In uncharted political waters where elected officials don’t answer calls from constituents, where Wall Street that is run by the Treasury department, and newly emboldened Neo-Nazi’s step out of the shadows, King’s voice and staunch dedication to justice is crucial to protecting life as we (recently) knew it. King’s reputation for holding brands and leaders accountable for racism and questionable policies is also admirable–demanding accountability from juggernauts like Pepsi to local school teachers caught up in racist scandals.

Gaining particular notoriety for his coverage and attention to the Black Lives Matter movement, King has become a must-follow for activists and citizens committed to racial justice. Using his clout as a senior justice writer for New York Daily News and as a commentator for The Young Turks, King has long used his social platforms and editorial voice to amplify social justice issues and corruption in our government and police forces. (New York Daily News) In a 2003 interview with Howard Stern, Trump spoke of how beautiful he thought Paris Hilton was when he first saw her.

Shining through a cloud of opinions on the web and in print spaces is one loud, clear voice that has been there long before Trump’s inauguration-Shaun King. Shaun King is a popular activist Credit: Getty Who is Shaun King Shaun King has written about civil and human rights for The Intercept and is the co-founder of the Real Justice PAC. I had the pleasure to meet him and take a picture with him which I have attached below.By Juliann DiNicola There is no denying that this is a pivotal moment for critical journalism–and media platforms and traditional news sites around the globe are rising to the occasion. Ultimately, he gave a lot of great advice, perspective, and his opinion on what Americans are dealing with today. On Wednesday, Lewis reached out to King, who also writes for The New York Daily News, requesting an appearance on the network. King advised us that we are not living in a linear timeline where it is all progression, we are currently living in a downfall and hope to be able to progress from this soon. King explained how he related von Ranke’s looking at history to how we look at history today. Shaun King, the black activist and grievance grifter with an expensive taste for dogs, is again in the news. He is particularly involved with the Black Lives Matter Movement, and has. King recently went back to graduate school to earn a masters in History, he uses his grad school experience to mention how he learned about Leopold von Ranke, a German historian. Shaun King is a writer for the NY Daily News and a prolific activist and speaker. King spoke on many recent police brutality occurrences in the black community and how the millennials should go about combating it. He related his own experiences with grad school to the audience members which identified as majority current college students or recent graduates. King spoke on many social justice issues and gave advice to the audience on what to do regarding post-election. Shaun King is a Senior Justice Writer at New York Daily News, an activist as well as a political commentator for the Tom Joyner Morning Show. He has written about the Black Lives Matter movement targeting discrimination, police brutality, and the prison complex in cities around America.

On Thursday, March 2nd the Illini Union Board brought Shaun King to UIUC’s campus.